We currently accept the following information for inclusion on Ortigas Online:
Request for inclusion in the Ortigas Online Map / Directory
We want people to be able to find information about your business or organization if it is located in Ortigas Center. Think of it as free advertising for your business, a way to market your product and services. As such we want to provide people with enough information about your business or organization on our web site. Just fill-out the Business / Organization submission form with the required details about your business/organization, contact information and details.
Submit a product sold in Ortigas Center
We want people to easily find a product that is being sold in Ortigas Center. It may be a product being sold in a Mall or your business or shop, we want people to find it. If your product is not yet listed here in Ortigas Online, use the Product Submission Form to send us a request for the inclusion of your product to the Ortigas Online Shopping section.
Submit news or a press releases about Ortigas Center
If your business or organization has been approved for inclusion in the business directory of Ortigas Online, you have an option to request for the posting of a news item, article or press release about your business or organization on the Ortigas Online web site. Use the Article Submission Form to submit news, articles or press releases.
Once you have submitted the information, we shall contact you for any clarification. Please be patient since we have very limited resources to process requests. We want to provide this free service so that people can easily find information and at the same time promote the different business, organizations, shops, restaurants and other establishments in Ortigas Center.